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How to Tell When Your AC Needs Repairs

If you are able to identify the early signs of air conditioning problems, you can get issues resolved sooner rather than later. This can prevent permanent damage to your unit and also help you save money on repair costs compared to putting off service and having a more serious issue to address. Just give our team a call when you think that you need air conditioning repair in Brighton.

Even if you don’t know exactly what’s wrong with your air conditioner, we can talk to you about what you are experiencing and come out to your home to check out the problem. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the things to watch for that can indicate you need to call and schedule an AC repair service.

Surprising Sounds

Any sounds that are unusual compared to normal air conditioner operation should be considered a problem. Sounds can vary from quietly persistent noises like clicking or rattling to alarming noises like banging or screeching. Any sound that makes you pause and wonder if something is wrong probably warrants a call for an AC tune-up.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. The best-case scenario is that we visit your home and give your air conditioner a clean bill of health. The worst-case scenario is that we identify a problem and fix it. Either of these options is better than ignoring an unusual sound and hoping that it goes away, only to have your air conditioner break down completely.

Bad Smells

We’re going to highlight a few specific odors and what they can mean for your air conditioner. But it is important to remember that any unusual smells coming from your AC should be considered a reason to call for service. Sometimes you can’t exactly pinpoint what an odor is, but you know that your AC shouldn’t blow out air with any particular smell.

Burning odors can point to a variety of different issues, from electrical problems to malfunctioning motors, and components that are overheating. Burning smells need to be treated seriously as they are a potential fire hazard.

A damp or musty odor can also be dangerous. The smells can mean that you have moisture somewhere inside of the system. If you don’t already have a mold infestation, one may be developing soon if moisture is left unaddressed. The final odor to be wary of is a distinct chemical smell that may mean you have a refrigerant leak. Keep in mind that if you suspect a refrigerant leak, you should not attempt to fix it on your own. Instead, give our team a call so that we can handle it safely.

Alarming Energy Costs

When you receive an expensive energy bill, your first reaction may be to wonder what in the world caused a sudden increase. If you haven’t adjusted your thermostat settings significantly or added any major appliances and technology, your energy costs should remain fairly steady.

Since your air conditioner is one of the household items that consumes the most energy, it’s easy to blame your unit for rising energy costs. Before you start changing thermostat settings and panicking as you try to figure out how to lower your energy costs, schedule a tune-up instead. It’s possible that something is quietly going wrong inside of your air conditioner and needs to be fixed.

Contact Potter Heating Cooling & Plumbing today to schedule your AC services. Our team is here to help with all of your heating and air conditioning needs.

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